TIM^2 Methodology Manual

An open-access manual describing TIM^2 methodology, theatre activities to train mathematical skills in classrooms and toolkits to evaluate their efficacy 

You can get the methodology manual and toolkit developed in the previous TIM project from here.

E-learning Platform

An e-learning platform for teachers, student teachers and trainers with Open Educational Resources about TIM^2 Methodology, lesson plans and activities

TIM^2 Ontology

A digital tool describing the mathematical skills targeted by TIM^2 learning activities to help teachers in choosing the right exercises according to the skills they want students to acquire

Theatrical Conference

“Count on it! Women and Mathematics” performance to raise awareness among students and teachers about the gender gap in mathematics learning 

Scientific Publications

Five scientific articles analyzing TIM^2 methodology and inquiring the role of theatre in mathematics learning and teaching 

Assessment and Evaluation Framework

A framework to evaluate the effectiveness of TIM^2 methodology and tools,  enabling teachers to evaluate the impact of their learning interventions