Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (ΤΕΝet-Gr - Greece)

The Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network is a voluntary, non-profit association of teachers and artists for the promotion of practice and research on theatre/drama and other performing arts in formal and non-formal education contexts. Some of the members of ΤΕΝet-Gr are highly qualified and skilled practitioners and theoreticians (teachers, theatre/drama pedagogues, artists, youth facilitators) in the areas of drama/theatre in education, theatre for development, active citizenship etc.
TENet-Gr organises regular practical training seminars for teachers, facilitators and young people, the Athens International Theatre/ Drama in Education Conference, the annual Theatre Summer Camp, projects in schools for and with youth groups. It publishes books and the annual “Education and Theatre Journal”. It coordinates the events in Greece for the World Day for Drama/ Theatre and Education on 27th November. It is the Greek ordinary member of IDEA - the International Drama / Theatre and Education Association and a founding member of the IDEA Europe network.

Dimitris Konetas - He received his diploma and 1st Master from the Computer Engineering & Informatics Department of the University of Patra, a M.Ed. from the Hellenic Open University, a diploma from the School of Instructors for Vocational and Technical Training and a candidacy as a PhD candidate at the ICT and Distance Education Laboratory of the Preschool Education Dept. of the University of Ioannina. He has been teaching Computer Science in Secondary Education of Ioannina, in Johns Hopkins’ University Greek Centre for Talented Youth as well as in the Department of Computer Engineering of the School of Applied Technology, of the Technological Educational Institution of Epirus. As a teacher in the Secondary Education he has coordinated more than 80 national and international projects. From was elected as Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (2021-2024).

Giorgos Bekiaris - He is a teacher and theatre pedagogue. His interests include Theater in Education as an act of art and as an act of teaching with theatrical techniques, role playing and experiential ways of learning. He participates in the design and implementation of theater-pedagogical programmes with techniques of educational drama and forum theater on issues of refugees, xenophobia, racism and school violence. He also animates theater groups of students and teachers. He is a member of the Hellenic Thetare/ Drama & Education Network (TENet-GR). Since 2015 he is involved as a trainer, a regional and local coordinator and a training consultant in the program "it could be me - it could be you" implemented by TENet-GR in cooperation with UNHCR Greece. Since 2023 he is the Headteacher of the 36th Primary School of Patras.

Nikos Govas - Teacher of mathematics and an experienced theatre/drama pedagogue. He founded and chaired the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network TENet-Gr (1998-2008). He has worked in secondary education schools since 1982 and has served as “Cultural Programs Coordinator” for Local Secondary Education Authority Eastern Attica Greece (1998-2014) developing teachers’ networks, training courses and several art projects. He has written and edited several books and articles on theatre/drama and education in Greece. He works as drama/theatre tutor in teachers’ in-service training courses, in Universities, Municipal Theatres, Associations etc. Currently he coordinates the “it could be me-it could be you” project implemented by TENe-Gr in collaboration with UNHCR Greece.

Vassia Kossiva - She studied Chemical Engineering in the National Technical University of Athens. She has worked for many years as a Coordinator of Educational and European Programmes in the field of Adult Education and Non-formal Education. She is currently the General Manager of the Hellenic Theatre/ Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) and the project manager for "it could be me - it could be you” in cooperation with UNHCR Greece and other projects. 

Anastasia Simitsiadi - She studied Greek Literature at the Democritus University of Thrace and Journalism at the Workshop of Professional Journalism. She has worked for a decade as a journalist in nationwide and local newspapers and magazines. Among them is the Greek street paper "Shedia". She has attended the editing seminars of the National Book Center (E.K.E.BI.).