Teacher's Guide

The Teachers’ Guide includes research done that proves the relevance as also the importance of music and creative movement integration in Math in the field of STEAM approach. Further, it transfers to the teachers the general theoretical knowledge of Music and Movement that matches to Mathematical concepts as also the historical connections of these three subjects. 

Before the application, the consortium implemented a need analysis and realized that there is a great need for the teachers to understand the value of integrating music and creative movement in the field of Maths in order to become positive to the STEAM approach. 

The initial target are the teachers and the final beneficiaries are the students, so we need to present the research done on the positive effects of the integration of these arts in Maths learning procedures. For the educators to fully understand the relationship of music and creative movement with Maths, a theoretical knowledge of the concept of these arts should be gained through a detailed explanation in the teachers’ guide. 

Further, a multicultural approach of this relationship through historical facts and other theories is established within this guide, i.e. the relationship of mathematics pythagoreion theorem with the application of this in the production of music notes from Pythagoras and his relationship with music composition. Such theories will broaden knowledge of arts with other subjects that are part of the STEM approach. 

By providing this Teachers’ Guide to the teachers who directly involve in the project as also to other teachers who are informed through the dissemination activities of the project and from the listing of this guide on the projects website, is giving the opportunity to them to enrich their knowledge on the STEAM approach and enhance them to become more positive into applying the alternative methods proposed. 

The production of this project result is innovative since it will give a holistic approach of the relationship of Maths with music and movement not only through recent research done but also through historical facts with a more multicultural approach. The multicultural approach of the specific concept is to enhance the integration of migrants in the education system since it will enable the teachers to be able to bring examples of other cultures to their students with multicultural backgrounds.


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